Dragon Door
Praise for the RKC Kettlebell Certification — Hoboken, NJ, March 2023
Sara Crayne-Dedrick, Personal Trainer, gym owner
It was an inspiring weekend being surrounded by like-minded trainers and athletes all wanting to learn and perfect their kettlebell skills. My perception of a kettlebell just being another piece of equipment changed to recognizing it as a skill and a practice. Each skill has specifics when learned and performed correctly.
I am very pleased and impressed with every single master, team leader and instructor. Each one was so invested in each student they observed.
Anna Neu, Trainer
Extremely inspiring. I felt like I learned more in two days than in my last year. It was also fun and community building which was refreshing and encouraging for what the fitness industry can be. Beyond my expectations. And my expectations were high.
Jessica Haines, Personal Trainer
One of a kind experience providing community, hands on experience and a wealth of knowledge to assist clients in learning fundamentals of kettlebell training. Excellent quality and relevant informational stories provided to help attendees understand concepts.
The best workshop I’ve attended. Provided excellent quality demonstrations, descriptions and exercises to progress, regress and address all movements.
Sarah Zagorce, Trainer
Felt privileged to be in same room as Dan John. The other instructors were wonderful, professional, and very knowledgeable as well. The RKC cert is more hands on and practical compared to a lot of other certs. Sometimes certs focus too much on terminology and science rather than actually applying it to the “sport” in person.
Jerrod Devine, HS Teacher
Met my every expectation for the event. Validated the training/knowledge base with Kettlebells that I’ve developed so far. Provided increased knowledge for future training, mine and others.
Dan John exceptional, down to earth. Instructors great feedback and motivation. Right corrective at right time. Also been to CrossFit L1 training. This was much more practical! Great balance of lecturing, demonstrating and instructing.
Hailey Zabala, Psychologist
Very informative and insightful. Excellent team leaders and instructors. Very useful knowledge for training and overall positive group. Overall excellent and one of the best, most informative courses I’ve ever taken.
Jeffrey Hunger, Firefighter, Strength coach
The cert was really well run and professional, I learned a lot and enjoyed being coached. Compared to other certs this was a lot more practical and active. Physically it was very rewarding and challenging.
Jamie Dreyer, Personal Trainer
Tight supportive community, high yet achievable standards. Excellent learning opportunity. Solid group of quality humans and coaches.
Andrea Paloian, Trainer
It was a great learning experience, both about the movements themselves and to see how people move differently. I appreciated learning from our team leaders and hearing their training and programming philosophies.
I thought our instructors were excellent and extremely knowledgeable. I appreciated all of the different insights from different assistants and coaches and our master instructors were great.
Shawn Zaborce, Trainer / coach
RKC cert is a great time. Perfect environment to learn and train. Interaction with coaches and peers, the material and the schedule was on task. Dan John is a stud, learning from him in person was great.
Quality is top notch compared to every other cert. There is incredible consistency and integrity. Thank you for providing this service. I am grateful to be part of this community!
Robert Black, Priest
A thorough and professional instruction on the how and why of kettlebell training. Absolutely top notch, Dan John is great.
Sean Fitzpatrick, Teacher
Extremely informative. The 6 basic lifts were broken down in chunks. Cues were very helpful. There was always a set of eyes on you and the instruction was always positive.
Outstanding, knowledgeable, positive. All were motivated to “coach us up”.
Joe Gilfedder, Strength & Conditioning coach
It was extremely valuable being coached by multiple coaches who were extremely meticulous Dan John and the instructors were professional with details. I appreciate the high standards.
Kevin Sadowski, Fitness coach
Super practical, simple yet effective cues, great way to know kettlebells and coach them to others.
Jay Lau
A unique experience. A ton of helpful individuals with tons of experience giving adequate help.
Ross Major, Personal Trainer
All the instructors were both supportive and attentive. From the different points of view, I was able to get a bigger picture on the progress of my technique.
100x better than any other cert I have ever been to.
Joe Vastola, Product owner
Terrific community, energy, experience, fun to be around people who see the value of the KB. Awesome to get and give useful feedback in the spirit of improvement.
Top notch, I traveled here because Dan John was the instructor. Great surprise that Annie Vo was a teacher, as I knew great things about her from other people. In total terrific professionalism and value from everyone in spirit of quality of movement.