Dragon Door’s RKC instructors will be tough—but intelligently tough. We consider the ability to move well, model well and teach well to be of equal importance to the instructor’s strength and endurance capacities.
A hallmark of Dragon Door’s RKC I and RKC II programs is the insistence on intelligent programming and safe progressions—for the long-term development of both health and strength. What good is a powerful engine with dirty gasoline? Or a vehicle with faulty brakes and skewed alignment?
Graduates of Dragon Door’s RKC I possess the skills to perform and teach the fundamental and most crucial lifts in the kettlebell trainer’s repertoire.
Key to the RKC II, will be an understanding of the progressions needed to help even the "average" client achieve "above-average" results—and continue to develop their health and strength for years to come.
- Learn how to channel the power from you abdomen and hips—like a one-inch punch, without kipping—into the pull-up
- Master the secrets of the "hollow position" critical for having a strong pullup finish—and power in combat sports
- Learn how to make the pull-up an exceptional abdominal exercise
- Elevate your pull-up power with the hanging leg raise
- Discover the key differences in training your pull-ups for 1RM or reps
Master the Weighted Pistol
- Master the pistol in record time with an accelerated pistol mastery program built from the RKC front squat
- Learn how to troubleshoot the typical problems such as a limited range of motion, knee strain, a short waist, a large stomach or thighs, and the inability to maintain balance
Master the Clean and Jerk
- Learn the HardStyle jerk specifically designed for high power applications
- Master a safe shock absorption technique that is one of the best known builders for the lower quads
- Dramatically improve your sports agility with a special second dip technique
- Understand what you must do to avoid motor learning confusion between your jerks and presses
Master the Windmill
The windmill is a powerful drill for shoulder and rib cage mobility and an excellent stretch for the hips.
- Learn safe and effective windmill technique
- Get a took kit full of lead up and remedial drills
Master the Bent Press
It is hard to find an exercise that does more for the upper body than the bent press. An incredible lat builder, the bent press also develops shoulders extraordinary in their mobility and resilience, and powerful triceps. A Big Bang exercise of the first magnitude.
- Learn safe and effective bent press technique
- Master the proper strength and mobility progression and lead up exercises for this advanced drill
Important: review the complete RKC level II testing requirements before you register.
To See Just What Kind of Quality You Can Expect at
Dragon Door's RKC II Training, Read What These Participants Had to Say About the Most Recent RKC Level Two Workshops:
Dustin Miller, Personal Trainer, Chicago, IL
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
1999 and 2000 IL State Powerlifting Champion, 1999 National and World Powerlifting Champion. 18-19 100kg weight class. Won Best Lifter Award at National and World Championships. Sept 2008 Beast Tamer. NSCA certified as CSCS. NASM certified as CES. RKC Certified
Steve Milles, Muay Thai Instructor, Gym Owner, New York City, NY
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Owner, Head Muay Thai Instructor at Five Points Academy in NYC -- one of the most well known, internationally respected muay thai camps in the US. Certifications: Arjan (Master) under Grandmaster Chansadeth "Cheetah" Chantanao, Cheetah Muay Thai Assoc. in affiliation with the International Muay Thai School, Bangkok Thailand, Kru (Teacher) under Grandmaster Thosaphon "Toddy" Sitiwatjana, Muay Thai International Assoc. RKC Level I, Instructor Achievements: Trainer to 9 members of US national teams to World Muay Thai Championships. Trainer to multiple amateur and professional champions at national and international level, including current women's WKA World Champion at 118.8 lb max. Athletic Achievements: Retired Professional Thai boxer (15 years). Top ten ranked fighter for most of my career, USMTA Welterweight Intercontinental Champion, WKA Jr. Middleweight US Champion, WKA and ISKA Welterweight US Champion, Bronze Medal, IAMTF World Championships in Bangkok, Thailand
Rob Miller, personal trainer, Chicago, IL
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
ACE CPT, Former U.S. Naval Search and Rescue Swimmer
Rich Kocher, Personal Trainer, Poughkeepsie, NY
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
ace personal trainer, NASM personal trainer, NYSC master trainer, RKC, JKD 4th level.
Katie Bigelow, Student, Z-Health Master Trainer, RKC Instructor, Seattle, WA
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
RKC Instructor, Z-Health, Master Trainer, 2-Time State Champion Soccer NCISAA, State Champion Basketball NCISAA
Andrey Patenko - Personal Trainer; Lansdale, PA
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Champion and member Uzbekistan Track and Field team 1982-1991, Received 1st and 2nd place award in National Police Hand to Hand Fighting Championships 1992/1993, Champion International Martial Arts Tournament Kentucky, USA 1997, Certification of Black Belt Instructor Hand-To-Hand Fighting Federation and Ju-Jitsu 1997, Certification as Bodyguard, International Antiterrorist Training Association and Dynomo-profi,Russia 1996, Senior Sergeant Soviet Army Spetznaz 1996-98, Command Senior Lieutenant Central Police Department, Perm, Russia, Department of Special Physical and Combat Training 1991-1994.
Willie Woods - Personal Trainer, Massage; Therapist Redmond, WA
Angelo Gala - Personal Trainer; Boston, MA
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
7 years experience personal training, NSCA-CPT, CSCS, RKC
Renee Woods — Personal Trainer; Encinitas, CA
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Certified personal trainer, RKC certification, 3rd degree black belt and did body building training and contest in the 1990's
John Heinz - Blacksmith, Martial Arts Instructor; Upper Black Eddy, PA
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
25+ years Martial Arts Practice; shim Gum Do Kwanjang.
George Spears — Teacher of Yoga "Neuromuscular Performance Specialist"; Roswell, GA
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
I began my studies of yoga and martial art and Japanese-russo strength and conditioning methods under the tutelage of Tadashi Nakamura Sensei, Vladamir Lakota, Ivan Trypovic, Max Hasse, Tony Armento and last but not least Yul Brynner. Since 1979 I have taught athletes from all walks of life both amateur and professional most notably Walter Peyton and Scott Sisson. In 1989 I founded the Neuromuscular Performance Institute and my own form of yoga. "Ahimsa Virabhadrasana"(Nonviolent Warrior) a vinyasa form of yoga utilizing the dead lift, the pullup, the squat and the kettlebell as a foundation for spinal strength and flexibility
Matthew Godina - Personal Trainer; Brooklyn, NY
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Jeff Larson - Personal Trainer; Napa, CA
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Certified Personal Trainer
Mark Erickson — Personal Trainer; Vinton, IA
Rolando Garcia, III - JKD Instructor; Guttenberg, NJ
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Full Instructor in JKD/FMA under Armando Basulto - Senior Full Instructor under Paul Vunak
- Phase I Instructor in JKD/FMA under Paul Vunak/Armando Basulto
- Initiateur in Boxe Francaise Savate under Armando Basulto, Moniteur under the French Federation of Boxe Francaise Savate
- Blue Belt in BJJ under Royler Gracie/David Adiv (8 years experience)
- Competitive experience in BJJ (gi/no-gi), boxe francaise savate, muay thai, stick and knife fighting
Gayle Hunter — Fitness Trainer; Healdsburg, CA
Tim McPhee — Plumber; Rochester, MN
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Master plumber, HVAC technician, 4th degree Black Belt in TKD, Certified Instructor in TKD
Christian Lombardo — Personal Trainer, Performance Coach; Huntington, NY
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Tier Three Personal Trainer at Equinox Fitness Club, International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) Master Trainer, United States of America Weightlifting (USAW) Club Coach
Chris Fournie — Martial Arts Fitness Gym Owner; Duluth, MN
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Black belts in 2 disciplines; Law Enforcement Firearms Instructor; Past Bodyguard; past private investigator; 1000 Kettlebell Snatch Challenge.
Jill Knipp — Personal Trainer; Escondido, CA
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
AFAA Certified Personal Trainer; AAHFRP Post Rehab Specialist; AAHFRP Medical Exercise Specialist; RKC
Carolyn Hakes - Personal Trainer; Naperville, IL
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Bob Orr - US Marine; Virginia Beach, VA
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
RKC, US Marine, currently competing in ultra-marathon cycling events.
Robbie Williams - Personal trainer/ Gym owner; Cork, Ireland
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
long distance running, biking, crossfitting
Jason Von — Personal Trainer; Livermore, CA
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Chek Level I, Poligquin Level 2, Back Rehab and preventative injuries, training athletes.
Christine Staunch - Personal Trainer; Bayonne, NJ
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
World/International Baton Twirling Competitor, State, Regional and National Champion; Personal Trainer; Group Fitness Instructor; USTA Judge
Jonathan Barber - Landlord, Personal Trainer; Nottingham, United Kingdom
Michael House - Fitness Director; Houston, TX
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Former professional and amateur boxer; Master's exercise physiology, USA Weightlifting / Club Coach; CSCS
Christopher Newton - Personal Trainer; Miami, FL
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
Masters Degree: Exercise Physiology; NCSA; CSCS; 2nd degree Blackbelt Kempo; MMA Instructor.
John Rock - Personal Trainer; Arden Hills, MN
Athletic Achievements, training background or specialty:
1992,1994 US Olympic Trials participant XC ski; NSCA- CSCS; ACSM- HF/I; ACE- Personal Trainer; NASM- PES; AFFA- Group Fitness Instructor; Professional Ski Instructors of America- Nordic Track & Skate level 3, Alpine level 1

RKC Level II Entrance Requirements:
- Certified RKC Level I Instructor
- 5 Pull-ups or Chinups for Men; 20 second Flexed Arm Hang for Women
- RKC Snatch Test
- Retest all RKC Level I Drills as Doubles (minus the Snatch and the Getup)
RKC Level II Exit Requirements:
- 1 Weighted Pull-up for Men; 1 (Bodyweight) Pull-up for Women
- 1 One Arm Military Press with required weight based on weight class (please see weight classes below).
- Pistol
- Pullup
- Windmill
- Double Jerk
- Bent Press (teach and review, not Pass or Fail)
Taught, but NOT Tested:
- Single Arm Push Press
- Variety Pressing Drills (See-saw, Bottom Up, Single Leg, Kneeling)
- Walking Swings
One Arm Kettlebell Clean and Military Press
RKC Level II Requirements
Men Open Class
Bodyweight, Lbs. |
Kettlebell, Kilos |
145 lbs or less |
28 kg |
146 to 175 |
32 |
176 to 190 |
36 |
191 or more |
40 |
Women Open Class
Bodyweight, Lbs. |
Kettlebell, Kilos |
110 lbs or less |
14 kg |
111 to 124 |
16 |
125 to 139 |
18 |
140 to 164 |
20 |
165 or more |
22 |
Men Masters
(50 to 64 years Old)
Bodyweight, Lbs. |
Kettlebell, kilos |
145 lbs or less |
24 kg |
146 to 175 |
28 |
176 to 190 |
32 |
191 or more |
36 |
Women Masters
(50 to 64 Years Old)
Bodyweight, Lbs. |
Kettlebell, kilos |
110 lbs or less |
12kg |
111 to 124 |
14 |
125 to 139 |
16 |
140 to 164 |
165 or more |
Men Seniors
(65 Years Old or Over)
Bodyweight, Lbs. |
Kettlebell, kilos |
145 lbs or less |
22 kg |
146 to 155 |
24 |
156 to 175 |
28 |
176 or more |
32 |
Women Seniors
(65 Years Old or Over)
Bodyweight, Lbs. |
Kettlebell, kilos |
110 lbs or less |
12kg |
111 to 139 |
14 |
140 or more |
16 |
Note: the above numbers can simply (not easily, but simply) be achieved by following
In the pull-up you will be required to start from a dead hang, pull up without kipping, and finish by touching the bar with your neck or chest using the thumbless overhand grip. Women will be tested with their bodyweight only. Men will be required to hang a kettlebell on a foot (a weight belt is not allowed). Kettlebell sizes: 24kg for up to 220 pounds bodyweight; 16kg for over 220 pounds. Men masters (over 50 years old): 16kg up to 220 pounds; bodyweight; 12kg for over 220 pounds.
In the pistol you must be able to descend at least to parallel and come up exercising control. You may hold a counterweight. Successful performance of the pistol with one leg is sufficient.
Successful performance of the windmill, bent press, and push press with one arm is sufficient.
The jerk will be tested with two kettlebells of the size required for the snatch test.
RKC II Preparation Advice
The Strict One-Arm Military Press
- Performance of the C&P with one arm is sufficient.
- Chalk is allowed.
- The candidate will clean the bell with one hand.
- The candidate must initiate the press with the fist of the working arm below chin level.
- The candidate must press the kettlebell overhead to a full lockout for one repetition.
- The candidate must be standing still during the entire press attempt.
- There must be a distinct pause between the clean and the press, the candidate and the kettlebell motionless.
- The knees must be completely locked during the attempt.
- The candidate must demonstrate full control at the lockout. The candidate and the kettlebell must remain motionless until the head referee’s "Down!" command.
What disqualifies an attempt?
- Failing any of the above standards.
- Using the legs in a push press fashion.
- Bouncing the kettlebell off the chest.
- Downward movement of the kettlebell after the pause between the clean and the press.
- Raising one or both heels, moving one or both feet.
- Leaning sideways so the press turns into a side press. Look for the elbow angle: if it increases at any point during the attempt without a simultaneous elevation of the bell, the candidate has leaned away from the kettlebell and thus has turned a strict press into a side press.
- Excessively leaning back during the attempt.
- Rolling the kettlebell onto the shoulder.
The Tactical Dead Hang Pullup
- The candidate must perform one strict dead hang pullup with a kettlebell hanging from the foot.
- The bar shall be set high enough not to allow the candidate’s feet to touch the ground when hanging with the arms and legs straight.
- The grip must be thumbless overhand. The width is not specified.
- The candidate may use a box or similar object to reach the bar.
- There must be a distinct pause in a dead hang before an attempt is made.
- The elbows must be straight at the start; the legs may be straight or bent.
- The neck or chest—not the underside of the chin— must touch the bar at the top position.
What disqualifies an attempt?
- Failing any of the above standards.
- Kipping, swinging.
- Raising the femurs above parallel.
**If you fail any of the above tests, you will be given three months to retest with a Master RKC, Senior RKC, or RKC Team Leader. Your RKC II Instructor certificate will not be issued until you have passed all the tests.
Regardless of how recent your Level I cert is, in addition to the above Level II requirements you will be retested for Level I: the technique in the six Level 1 basics and the five-minute snatch test. This will recertify you as a Level I RKC for two more years.
If you fail any of the Level I tests you will not be certified as a Level II instructor, even if you have passed all the Level II tests. You will not be recertified as a Level I instructor either.
If you fail any of the Level I tests, you will be given two months to retest with a Master RKC, Senior RKC, or RKC Team Leader.
Certification Workshop
November 22, 2013 — November 24, 2013
Fri: 8:30—6:30, Sat: 8:30—6:30, Sun 8:30—4:30
Melbourne, Australia
Register on-line or call 1-800-899-5111 for credit card orders.
Mail check to Dragon Door Publications, 5 East County Rd B, #3, Little Canada, MN 55117
Tuition: $2,295.00
$300.00 Cancellation Fee, no exceptions.
No refunds on cancellations November 8, 2013
Workshop Code # WPKB113
Workshop reference: November Australia 2013 RKC II Certification Workshop
Now available: pay for your workshop in three equal, monthly installments.
You will be charged one third of the published registration fee, discounted or otherwise, at the time of your registration. Your credit card will be charged 30 days and 60 days later for the two subsequent amounts.
Simply proceed with your registration and when you arrive at the shopping cart check the box indicated to pay in three installments.

- Extreme Early-Bird Registration Discount:
Register and pay by April 5, 2013, fee is only $1,295.00 (Save $1000.00)
- Super Early-Bird Registration Discount:
Register and pay by June 28, 2013, fee is only $1,495.00 (Save $800.00)
- Excellent Early-Bird Registration Discount:
Register and pay by August 2, 2013, fee is only $1,695.00 (Save $600.00)
- Excellent Early-Bird Registration Discount:
Register and pay by September 27, 2013, fee is only $1,895.00 (Save $400.00)
Limited to thirty-five participants.
Workshop price does not include room & board.
A map for the location and a list of convenient hotels/motels will be provided to all registrants.
Note: We will be providing you with kettlebells to practice with at the training, but these kettlebells are not included in the price of the training.
You will be able to purchase kettlebells at the workshop if you let us know in advance.
Certification Location:
431 Warringal Road
Moorabin, 3165
Host: Andrew Read, Master RKC