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Training Articles

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Ten Domains of SEALFIT

The environments that SEALs must operate in and the missions they take on require an uncommon level of physical and mental fitness. Because the stakes are much higher than what most individuals and teams face, the training that SEAL operators do must be more comprehensive and include mental skills as well.

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Patrick RothMD

Kettlebells Have Your Back: A Neurosurgeon’s Personal and Professional Perspective

Kettlebells are an ideal tool for treating back pain. They not only strengthen the back, but also enable improved posture, improved bending form, and patient confidence. If you are already an experienced kettlebell user, this is likely already evident, but if you are a patient with back pain, read on and open your mind to some extraordinary possibilities.

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How Kettlebells Helped Reverse Aging, Restore My Strength, Reduce Pain and Revitalize My Tai Ji Practice.

I am a newcomer to kettlebell training. Some years ago I bought an instructional video, but quit after a few weeks. I practiced in my living room in front of the tv, and spent each session in fear of whacking one of my cats in the head as I wildly swung the bell in my attempts to follow along with the video.

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Your Body Is Best: A Crash Course in Calisthenics

Dec 11, 2013 05:11 PM

You don’t need a full-blown gym or even a single piece of equipment to get incredibly strong. The Progressive Calisthenics Certification imparts a lifetime’s worth of bodyweight exercises in just three short days.

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The Timeless Pattern

Dec 03, 2013 09:08 PM

Anybody who thinks this through this will realize that we train patterns, not parts. Yoga, martial arts, kettlebells, dance, gymnastics and the wide array of natural movements caused by our environment are all brought to being through patterns, not by parts. The parts of the body and the structure of the body submit themselves to the will of the pattern.

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Kettlebells Are Not Really That Effective, Are They?

Senior RKC Josh Henkin discusses some of the controversy surrounding kettlebells and their effectiveness, article includes a video with further detail.

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matt maher 2hander article size

Neuro-Mass Is Nearly Here

You can develop very impressive levels of muscle mass, strength, speed, power and endurance, without having to train all day, every day like a professional athlete does with Neuro-Mass.

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The Revolutionary Training Solution - The Neuro-Set

A ‘Fool-Proof’ Solution For Rapid Increases In Your Muscle Mass, Strength, Speed, Power, Athleticism and Conditioning, That’s Been Tried-And-Tested On Olympians, NFL Athletes, MMA Fighters and More…

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Are You Making These Mistakes In The Gym?

So If You Want More Strength, Muscle, Speed, Power, Athleticism And Conditioning – Read On Carefully And Make Sure You Aren’t Making Any Of These MISTAKES…

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James Steel hill

Alone, Alone, Alone on “Throw Up Hill”

Jul 11, 2013 04:10 PM

"I was back in my home state, Maryland, for a few days recently, and I revisited an old haunt of mine, affectionately dubbed by me in 1983, "Throw Up Hill", because I usually lost my lunch when I was running up this monstrosity after a few reps. It was either pay 20 dollars to go to a gym with one squat rack in the corner..."

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