Send to Printer encourages you to rate and review our Certified Russian Kettlebell Instructors!

There is a 1,000 character maximum on reviews.

What to include:

  • Focus on the quality of the kettlebell instructor's service, their teaching skills and their knowledge of the subject matter.
  • The best reviews include not only whether you liked or disliked the instructor, but also why.
  • What results have you got from taking classes or workshops with the instructor? Let people know.
  • How does this instructor rate in comparison with any other physical exercise and fitness instructors you have trained with?

What not to include: is proud to provide this forum for you to air your opinions on the Instructors we certify. While we appreciate your comments, we request that you do not include the following in your review:

  • Time-sensitive material (i.e., promotional tours, seminars, lectures, etc.).
  • Commenting on other reviews visible on the page. Other reviews and their position on the page are subject to change without notice.
  • Profanity, obscenities, or spiteful remarks.
  • Single-word reviews. We want to know why you liked or disliked the instructor.
  • Phone numbers, mail addresses, URLs.

A review is not an appropriate place to tell us our site has typos in it. If you'd like to tell us about a specific problem, please send us the e-mail at

Any review in violation of these guidelines will not be posted.

Some points to note about the presentation of your review.

  • If you are already a customer or a registered contributor to a forum, your review will be automatically authorized and visible immediately from the "See All Reviews" link on the instructor's page. You will receive a confirming email once your review is submitted.
  • If you have never purchased on-line from and never registered as a contributor to a forum, your review will require validation by you. You will receive a validation email after your review is submitted. You must click on the validation link in that email for your review to be visible from the "See All Reviews" link on the instructor's page.
  • Validation is required only for your first review submission. When you submit a review for a second instructor it will be validated automatically (assuming you have used the same email address).
  • Check your review carefully for typos and other errors. You may wish to prepare your review copy off-line in a text editor with spellchecking etc. enabled. Once submitted a review cannot be modified in any way.
  • You may request for a review to be deleted.
  • Whether your review appears with those displayed on the instructor's page is determined by
  • The rating of your validated review will always be included in the average displayed on the product page.